MorganaXProc-IIIse (standard edition)
MorganaXProc-IIIse is a Java implementation of XProc 3.1: An XML Pipeline Language. It is an open source product released under GNU General Public License 3.
Requisite: Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Currently version 8.0 and 11 (and later) are supported.
You can download the current version of MorganaXProc-IIIse from our at SourceForge. Please use SourceForge ticket page to file bugs etc.
Standard coverage:
MorganaXProc-IIIse implements the XProc 3.1: An XML Pipeline Language (Community Group Report 16 March 2025) of the language specs as well as the XProc 3.1: Standard Step Library (Community Group Report 16 March 2025). Additionally it covers the XProc 3.1: file steps (Community Group Report 16 March 2025), most of the steps defined in XProc 3.1: validation steps (Community Group Report 16 March 2025) and XProc 3.1: Invisible XML (Community Group Report 16 March 2025).
The test results against the XProc 3.0 test suite are reasonably good.
- All required and optional features of the core specs are implemented with the exception of function imports, PSVI support, and the [p]:timeout extension attribute. Additionally it is not possible to declare or evaluate user defined external steps in Java etc.
- All required features and most of the optional features of the standard step library are covered.
- The file steps and the validation steps are implemented based on their state on 2025-03-16, expect for validation step 'p:validate-with-nvdl' and 'p:validate-with-dtd'.
- Processing of Invisible XML via p:ixml is supported as well. Either the NineML family or Markup-Blitz can be used as underlying iXML processor.
Quick start:
and unzip the distribution.
To test your installation open your terminal/console and type:
- Windows:
Morgana.bat pipeline.xpl
- MacOS, Linux:
sh Morgana.sh pipeline.xpl
A first draft of the manual is available here.