Interface CollectionURIResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:
AlternateFilesystem, DefaultFilesystem, XProcFilesystem

public interface CollectionURIResolver

This interface is used to resolve uri's to ressources when calling fn:collection with a string as parameter. resolveCollection is NOT used to access the default collection

Method Summary
 java.util.List<> resolveCollection( uri)
          Called by XPath, XQuery and XSLT when fn:collection is evaluated.

Method Detail


java.util.List<> resolveCollection( uri)
                                               throws javax.xml.xpath.XPathException
Called by XPath, XQuery and XSLT when fn:collection is evaluated.

uri - the absolute uri of the collection to access
A list of Source's represented by the given uri. Can be an empty list but should not be null.
javax.xml.xpath.XPathException - raised, if any Exception occured.